free Linktree is the original and most popular link in bio tool, used by over 30M creators monetizing and doing business around the world. Make your free Linktree link in bio in minutes, connecting followers and creators with everything you create in just one link in bio. Linktree helps creators to grow their followers, sell products, collect tips and more!
Here’s how it works:
1. Create your Linktree link in bio URL for free (linktr /[your bio])
2. Add links, music, playlists, videos, podcasts, causes you care about, products, profiles, a store, your food menu… anything you want!
3. Customize your design to match your brand and style with complete control of colors, fonts and button styles. Add a bio, and even upload custom background images and videos. You can also select from pre-made themes to get going even faster.
4. Share your Link tree everywhere to connect followers with everything you do. Add your Link tree link in bio to your soci